Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
Letter to N.Y.
The Armadillo
North Haven
In The Waiting Room
One Art
Robert Bly
Surprised by Evening
Waking from Sleep
Poem in Three Parts
Snowfall in the Afternoon
In a Train
Driving to Town Late to Mail a Letter
Watering the Horse
After Long Busyness
Counting Small-Boned Bodies
Looking Into a Face
The Hermit
Shack Poem
Looking Into a Tide Pool
Visting Emily Dickenson’s Grave With Robert Francis
Insect Heads
Passing an Orchard by Train
Driving My Parents Home at Christmas
For My Son Noah, Ten Years Old
My Father’s Wedding
At Midocean
In Rainy September
Gwendolyn Brooks
from A Street in Bronzeville
kitchennette building
the mother
a song in the front yard
of De Will Williams on his way to Lincoln Cemetery