Max and Whitney, ready for Santa Paws.
Max and Whitney, ready for Santa Paws.
Even in the middle of nowhere, Max is still Max.
This was Max’s page on the Cocker Spaniel Rescue of Austin/San Antonio web page.
Moar ear infection, just not as bad as before. Well, technically “still” ear infection.
But signs of allergies on all the usual places are gone, so apoquel for the win. His paws look much better, so the nightly foot soaks using cholorhexiderm are working as well.
And the vet recommended he stay on the hypoallergenic food in perpetuity. So that’s…awesome. But good for Max.
He’s still Itchy Max, just not as itchy, which we will take as a win.
We found out today that we are the fifth household Max has been with. He’s had a run of bad luck with homes, but we will be his forever home, forever.
I’m not saying Max is totally comfortable here, but, well…judge for yourself.
Things Max Ate, ASPCA, Animal Poison Control Edition:
One full package (14 pieces) of Orbit gum.
Bonus: “I got on the chair to get on the desk to get to the bowl you set up high so I couldn’t get to it and I knocked it down and ate all the cat food that was left, aren’t I a clever boy?”
Special thanks to the aforementioned number. Beat the $X00.00 charge for emergency room treatment, though the call was $65, veterinarians were standing by.
Hangout Dog is Hanging Out