Author Archives: jelyon
My Dog Max: Office Mate
When you walk back into your office after a long day and see this.

Holiday Favorites, Day 5
Holiday Favorites, Day 4
Holiday Favorites, Day 3
Holiday Favorites, Day 2
Holiday Favorites, Day 1
My Dog Max: Taking His Best Naps
Today, I find him channeling his inner cat
Udate: The vet called, his bloodwork looks good “for an old guy,” so we can keep him on the anti-inflammatory/analgesic she prescribed. It seems to be helping.
Keep taking your best naps, Max!

My Dog Max: First Trip in the New Coach
Photos from Max’s first trip in the new coach. Monday after we got back, he was having real issues walking, but I later found out he’d had a couple of burrs in his paw. Took him to the vet on Tuesday, and she confirmed stiffness in his joints, so he’s on a pain reliever/anti-inflammatory to help keep him comfortable. It’s working.
She talked about “long term” quality of life, and when I asked what the definition of “long term,” she confirmed it was less than a year, more than likely.
Which is sad.
But, in looking at his original posts on the Cocker Spaniel Rescue of Austin/San Antonio site, they thought he was around 6 in June of 2014, which means he might be 15, which is old for a cocker; their average life span is 12-14 years. For a dog with all teh problems, he’s done remarkably well.
I’m grateful we’ve been able to offer him something he didn’t have for the first six years of his life; a real forever home.

My Dog Max: Happy Gotcha Day, 2023
8 years!