My Dog Max: I Think We’re Going To Need a Harder Puzzle

Things Max Ate, ASPCA, Animal Poison Control Edition:
One full package (14 pieces) of Orbit gum.
Bonus: “I got on the chair to get on the desk to get to the bowl you set up high so I couldn’t get to it and I knocked it down and ate all the cat food that was left, aren’t I a clever boy?”
Special thanks to the aforementioned number. Beat the $X00.00 charge for emergency room treatment, though the call was $65, veterinarians were standing by.
Hangout Dog is Hanging Out
Max did NOT eat the slice of bread in the glass container that was on the counter.
Though he did chew part of the locking lid off.
Bonus “I used the stool to reach it, aren’t I a clever boy?” points.
Horse treats.
At least one serving of Kellogs Frosted Minnie Wheats
Things Max ate, correction:
Emma was not responsible for the Tums.
More Tums
Chocolate/Peanut butter chips
Addendum; plastic bags opened, contents not eaten:
Business cards
If I am a way for the Cosmos to know itself, Max is a way for the Cosmos to smell itself.
List of things my dog ate this week:
One frosted minnie wheat
6 oz of chocolate
Unknown amount of activated charcoal
3×5 notecard
8 oz tums