My Dog Max: Max’s Eyes

For those of you who haven’t been following the saga of Max’s eyes, we discovered he has developed a hereditary form of glaucoma, which progressed enough that his right eye is totally nonfunctional.

We’ll get that eye removed asap. The Dr. confirmed that even with meds, we’ve probably got 3 years before the pressures in the left eye begin damaging that eye, and it has to be removed as well.

[Edit: Turns out we had three months. But a bit of a relief, really. No more meds.]
We have until then to get him acclimated to living as a blind pooch. And us trained.

My Dog Max: Itchy Dog

Moar ear infection, just not as bad as before. Well, technically “still” ear infection.

But signs of allergies on all the usual places are gone, so apoquel for the win. His paws look much better, so the nightly foot soaks using cholorhexiderm are working as well.

And the vet recommended he stay on the hypoallergenic food in perpetuity. So that’s…awesome. But good for Max.

He’s still Itchy Max, just not as itchy, which we will take as a win.